Well I really need to get on top of blogging. November being my last post seems far too long ago. I have so many things I wish to post about and so much I want to tell you I cant seem to get my head in any in order.
Well today I have been ironing Mum and Grandmas tablecloths about 14 I think and still a couple to go. We use these for the studio cafe at the shop, mums being white damask and grandmas hand embroidered on Irish linen. Cousin Helen told me that when grandma would visit them she would always bring the most beautiful embroidery to do. I can say that whether table cloths, cushion covers, table placements, dressing table sets or curtains they are very beautifully done. Of course I am using them all, even her curtains are hanging in a bedroom. Mum always said " what is the point of having lovely things in a drawer or chest and not using them". Good advice as the customers love the tablecloths as do we all. Grandma was a wonderful lady, very talented so I think she would be pleased that at our Friday social (Woolly Workers & Nifty Needles) I am now embroidering one of her prepared items I have found in her sewing chest. The chest was an incredible find with threads, patterns and tools all packed away under cushions and a blanket cover in the corner of one of the farmyard barns. It must have been there for 50 years or more.